Merdeka ?
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Countdown has already started but just what is this meaningful event occurring soon that everyone is so jubilant about ? 31 August 1957, a vital date where Malaysia has come a long way since then. Independence, a wishful ideology eon ago, has finally come to an end.
Merdeka ! Merdeka ! Merdeka !
Merdeka, derived from Sanskrit Maharddhika which invokes the meaning of "rich, prosperous and powerful". The echoed voices emanating from the entire citizens, the endless chants together with the might of Tunku Abdul Rahman as legitimately signed the declaration of independence, the beginning of our desired freedom. Thus, Malaysia was born.

One of the most sophisticated cultural pluralism nation in the world, with a vast diversity of cultures that can be seen through the lenses of different races like Malay, Chinese, Indian and Indigenous people. Moreover, the uniqueness of the country as it imposed the diversity as a positive resource rather than a difficult and impassable barrier of multi-cultural ism.

Kids aligning themselves in many school halls, singing with rigid and stern attitude for the song of independence and the national anthem, the rise of myriad independence themed competitions covering from the decoration of our beloved country's flag to the handiwork of innovative independence poems. All seems well per say.
But little did we know, has time actually played a big role in corroding the genuine authenticity meaning of patriotism ?

We ponder to ourselves, the state of what we are living in. Corruptions going on endlessly, the augmentation of transgression distortion of various crimes, the unity of multiracial bonds which has now become more of a sketchy image rather than the real belief instilled within everyone.
Sadly, these scenarios are becoming prevalent and almost ubiquitous. So what have become of us ?
The merry of independent had turned ugly when 13 May 1969 incident occurred.
The crisis was sparked by extreme communal politics and they sure did not consider the terrible consequences out of it. The laymen term of "white man's burden" quest solely relied on the greed for wealth. The theory of comparative advantage by Adam Smith could be seen in Malaya when most of the mining, and rubber industry were being outsourced to the best people who could do that which are the Chinese and Indian.
Despite the wealth, the only return we could get were disparity and polarization between the multi-racial society in Malaysia, which served as the best recipe for conflict, violence and disaster.
In 1970's, students were more dynamic and patriotic. As of the youth in the 21st century, loopholes are constantly being generated which simply inhibit their ability to continue the legacy of producing national leader at tertiary education level. This is many due thanks to unilateralism meritocracy and the controversial mindset. =)

When you talk about national unity, most of us would be relying upon external factors to deal with it such as equality in economic distribution, social justice and cohesiveness in politics. Rarely religion plays a leading role to promote the solution and understanding for Malaysian in our path to national unity. The mould of our political, economic and social point of view has never been emphasis grealty through religious scope. Be it in Islam, or any other religions.

This is our weak points.
Can racial based politics be abolished without the cohesion and synergy between respective sides in giving the best for the citizens ?
Can we guarantee the lifeline of creativity, bravery and patriotism for Malaysian youth ?
Lastly, how can we learn the importance of galvanizing our youth to be more responsible towards our nation ?
These are one of the few, that we must be reminiscent of from time to time.
Thus, I rest my case.
- Ben Lim
- 31st Aug 2010
- Hi Ai Shin ^^

Merdeka, derived from Sanskrit Maharddhika which invokes the meaning of "rich, prosperous and powerful". The echoed voices emanating from the entire citizens, the endless chants together with the might of Tunku Abdul Rahman as legitimately signed the declaration of independence, the beginning of our desired freedom. Thus, Malaysia was born.

One of the most sophisticated cultural pluralism nation in the world, with a vast diversity of cultures that can be seen through the lenses of different races like Malay, Chinese, Indian and Indigenous people. Moreover, the uniqueness of the country as it imposed the diversity as a positive resource rather than a difficult and impassable barrier of multi-cultural ism.

Kids aligning themselves in many school halls, singing with rigid and stern attitude for the song of independence and the national anthem, the rise of myriad independence themed competitions covering from the decoration of our beloved country's flag to the handiwork of innovative independence poems. All seems well per say.
But little did we know, has time actually played a big role in corroding the genuine authenticity meaning of patriotism ?

We ponder to ourselves, the state of what we are living in. Corruptions going on endlessly, the augmentation of transgression distortion of various crimes, the unity of multiracial bonds which has now become more of a sketchy image rather than the real belief instilled within everyone.
Sadly, these scenarios are becoming prevalent and almost ubiquitous. So what have become of us ?
The merry of independent had turned ugly when 13 May 1969 incident occurred.
The crisis was sparked by extreme communal politics and they sure did not consider the terrible consequences out of it. The laymen term of "white man's burden" quest solely relied on the greed for wealth. The theory of comparative advantage by Adam Smith could be seen in Malaya when most of the mining, and rubber industry were being outsourced to the best people who could do that which are the Chinese and Indian.
Despite the wealth, the only return we could get were disparity and polarization between the multi-racial society in Malaysia, which served as the best recipe for conflict, violence and disaster.
In 1970's, students were more dynamic and patriotic. As of the youth in the 21st century, loopholes are constantly being generated which simply inhibit their ability to continue the legacy of producing national leader at tertiary education level. This is many due thanks to unilateralism meritocracy and the controversial mindset. =)

When you talk about national unity, most of us would be relying upon external factors to deal with it such as equality in economic distribution, social justice and cohesiveness in politics. Rarely religion plays a leading role to promote the solution and understanding for Malaysian in our path to national unity. The mould of our political, economic and social point of view has never been emphasis grealty through religious scope. Be it in Islam, or any other religions.

This is our weak points.
Can racial based politics be abolished without the cohesion and synergy between respective sides in giving the best for the citizens ?
Can we guarantee the lifeline of creativity, bravery and patriotism for Malaysian youth ?
Lastly, how can we learn the importance of galvanizing our youth to be more responsible towards our nation ?
These are one of the few, that we must be reminiscent of from time to time.
Thus, I rest my case.
- Ben Lim
- 31st Aug 2010
- Hi Ai Shin ^^
Monday, August 30, 2010