An alarm bell was sounded. I awoke myself, with a feeling of dread. Its already half past 10 in the morning. Happiness struck upon me as I knew its already weekend =) . The day where i can unwind myself and get away from those stressful days in school. Homework was never an exception during school time.
However, school examination is getting near. "I got to revise", I said to myself. My revisions starts at 12pm thanks to my old and never changed habit, procrastinate. In the end, I somehow manage to read about a few pages of Biology. It took about 30minutes. I decided to take a break. Gosh! 30minutes and a break? -.-
I login my messenger and started chatting with my friends. For all you know, time flies. The time shows 2.30pm. Soon, I got an invitation from my friend to play a game of DOTA. Argh! , I just cant refused their request.
The game ends and its already 5pm. I decided to take a nap.
"Beng Han, dinner!" the voice behind the door said. "Ok ok" I replied. As soon as I finished my dinner, I rush to my room and started studying. I placed the book in front of my laptop, and turn on some music. After 15mins, there I go again~, there is just too much distraction in my room! I started playing games until 11pm. I felt so tired after hours of playing games. Therefore, I immediately went to sleep.
Today is Sunday, and I have come to realized that computer is one of the main factor that really influenced my study. I have to get rid of it ! ~.~ arghh~
So what I manage to study is a few pages of Biology text book which took around 45minutes of my time. The End =)