Adapted from The Star Metro Newspaper
A habit is simply a behaviour that we have performed so often that it becomes second nature and part of a comfort zone people have created for themselves. Human beings are all creatures of habit and most of us have our share of good and bad habits. Success or failure depends on your habits. If your habit are encouraging, motivating, and empowering, you will live a successful life. However, if your habits limit your perfrmance, prevent you from achieving your goals and block all your potential, chances are you not living a fulfilling life.
Can people really change their habits? The answer is, "NO", you can olny replace your habits. For example, if you have the habit of procastinating, replace it with "do it now" habit. Wehn you have a task to do, just do it now, dont even wait for a second. Soon, you wil discover that you hardly procrastinate.
What are the habits of successful people? Dr Napolean Hill, the author of famous book Think And Grow Rich, had spent 20 years of his life researching the philosophies of 504 most successful people in America. He compiled 17 success principles that all successful men applied in their life. Indeed, if you have been observing the successful people around you, you will discover that they all have applied some or all of the success principles that Dr Hills mentioned in this findings. Since human beings are slaves to habits, its makes logical sense that people should be slaves to good habits only.
How can you kick your bad habits?
First, you must be aware that your habit is a bad habit and is limiting your performance. Second, ask yourself why you want this habit to be replaces. The more good reasons you cant think of, the higher the chance of getting it replaces. Writing it down will force you to think and mke a commitment. Third, set a time frame to replace this habit. Most experts would advise a minimum of 21 days. Fourth, start a new habit that will counter this bad habits. Fifth, be very conscious of your new habits in th beginning, However, if you repeat the bad habits, tell yourself that you already have another habit to replace it. Finally, enjoy your new habit and will soon become party of you and the old habit will soon to be forgotten.
How should you nourish your mind with good habits?
- Each day, feed your mind with only positive thoughts. Your thoughts will soon define your character. Your mind is like a garden, you reap what you sow. Your positive thoughts will son harvest the results that you have planted. Remember, positive thoughts always energise your mind with the right energy to be the best.
- Listen to your words. Every word that you say will have an impact on your life. If your words are always negative, you are feeding your mind the wrong food. If your words are always encouraging and motivating, your mind will start to proper.
- Be conscious of your actions. They detemine whether you are achieving what you want.
- Read a motivational book at least once a month or read a motivational quote at least once a day.
- Listen to motivational tapes or inspiring songs while you are driving or taking public transport.
- Exercise your mental muscle by visualising your goals three times a day.
I find it really useful reading it as i always procrastinate. This actually makes me understand more and i try to turn into a new leaf. I almost finish the 1st chapter of History which was really frustrating due to many informations that i have to absorb. T_T really suffering though but after thinking for some time, i realise its important because next year you will be busy with tuitions, activities, and many more. Therefore, providing you less time for you to cover all the syllabus in the book.
Other than that, i played Maplestory again! hahaha... im still a little addicted to it but im trying to stop now. Maybe 1 - 2 hours will do. Its kinda late now so im going to sleep. Gud Nite! ^^ Thx for reading.