As we all know, Moral, one of the most "stupid", redundant, and superfluous subject whereby formulas are needed to score an A. Without formulas, don't even dream of getting one. Moral Education tends to emphasize memorising and getting an A in public exams instead of exposing our students to moral education in real life.
As newspaper said, Moral Education should not be an examination-based subject. It is true that the subject does not encourage creative thinking or reasoning nor does it guide individuals on how to be well-behaved and upright member of the society. I truly believe moral values cannot be learnt from textbook and they can only be imparted by families and the community.
As the famous saying goes, "It takes one whole village to raise a child". - Adapted from The Stars Newspaper.
Morals are definitely not to be memorised like mathematical formulae, but should be imparted as values to live by starting from a young age ibarat "melentur buluh biarlah daripada rebung", and when we need to learn the difference between right and wrong in life. With such great emphasis on scoring As in the examination, an A grade does not mean the student is an upright, well-behaved person.
Isn't it ironic that a bad hat can memorise and score an A in the exam, yet his true behaviour in real life and behind closed doors is still unacceptable ?
I love Philosophy. Philosophy does not just teach students about honest and truth in all aspects of life, but also introduces our student to ethics and epistemology which are crucial to any individual. With that, it is best for school to implement the subject Philosophy instead of Moral.
Moreover, there should be concrete examples of great individuals from past and present, famous or notorious, and how their action could make or break the world.
Lastly, it is suggested that Moral Education be replaced by two different electives that students can choose from. Those electives should focus on creative thinking and reasoning rather than rote learning. In some Western countries, for example, students can opt for Bible studies or Buddhism or Hinduism classes.
Alternatively, they can take up Social Studies, which teaches them in depth about society and sociology, current affairs, ethics, media and world history. --The End--
I would like to wish my MOM a very Happy Early Birthday !!! which falls on the 7th of April ^^