I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this article in The Star:
21 A's! What the hell is he thinking? Compared to Amalina who scored 17 A1, its just like a speck of dust to his achievement. Today, we have students who actually take 21 subjects and gain 21 A's. I wonder how big is his certificate going to be to fit all those A's.
My question is, just what is the maximum number of subjects that are available !? 30 ? -.- This has to stop ! Think about us, the younger generations, how are we gonna cope with the pressure on having straight A's. Example :
Parents : * You see, the Kedah Boy can get 21 As, don't tell me you can't even get 10 As (straight As) ?*
He/She : *Err, shit, pressure pressure, tension, STRESS !*
--Finally, he/she suicided.... (just jk) =)
Seriously, is education all about getting a string of A's? Nonetheless, I won't judge this student. Who knows, he may actually be a well balanced person in life. However, I feel that this development is unhealthy as it places too much emphasis on academic achievement, leaving almost no room for creative and physical development. What use is an A in "English for Science", "Mathematics", "Advance Mathematics", etc. if one can't function well in university, speak up and think critically to solve issues at hand? Many SPM leavers who enter university for the first time face difficulties catching up to the demands of the new environment. Many still rely on handouts, "tips", step by step guidance, all the trappings of the primary and secondary education system.
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