What Time Is It ? ^^
Screams of Horror
Guilty Island
It's just so laughable
I spent at least 3 hours to get my 1st leo page done. Searching for pictures, getting the list of awards, projects.. etc.. I did the page with everything grayscale and guess what? Yun Yee just told me that I have to do coloured page ! That means I gotta redo everything all over again !
*Fcuk* I used 3 hours + of my study time to do NOTHING ! *Punch Punch*
Not only that, nobody inform me to do the page in coloured before hand, so I'll just assume its grayscale since every year the Sinar Jaya "Leo" page is in grayscale. Now I have to find everything again because I changed the coloured pictures to grayscale as soon as I save it in my comp. Urgh! , my study time. 1 more thing, the deadline is tomorrow ! Plus, I wasn't even confirm whether or not to design the leo page back then. As far as I know, I don't have to do it and the deadline is way ahead of time. Furthermore, I got the confirmation on Wednesday right after school. Fcuking last minute things.
Current Assignment : Design the 2 coloured Leo page -.-
Theres goes my day~