It's a Wicked Society.
I remember last time when we learn lots of stuff in Moral classes. Like, for instance, when you see an old lady taking lots of stuff walking up the stairs, you should help them. In the real world, when I'm confronted with such situation, yes, my instincts tell me to go and help her. Unfortunately, the society has changed. There are people who appeared to be willing to help, but in the end, they snatch your stuff and run. When I thought of this, I hold myself and walk away.
It's a wicked society where accepting help needs to be considered twice.
In the news, I often read cases like somebody appearing to ask for help in changing the tyres of his car, but when you stop down and leave your car, poof, they point a knife at you and hijack your car.
Again, it's a wicked society where giving help needs to be considered twice.
When we were young, we were taught to queue up and wait for your turn. In the real world, if you queue up, you'll wait forever for your turn.
It's a wicked society where the word 'considerate' doesn't even exist, a wicked society where people exploit the only traits of humanity - compassion, sympathy, loyalty and etc. What we end up now is an inhuman society, where nobody can be trusted.
And now, in Malaysia, the streets are no longer safe. Corruption of government. Even police lost their dignity and integrity. Yet we are still paying them, and voting for them. Take a look at or other net papers, you'll be astonished what has been hidden from the mainstream media all along.
Spent the whole day watching movies and surfing web. Not much things to do huh, everyone is cramming for their finals. Why couldn't my school just bring forward the exam date ! This week suppose to be "Hari Raya" Week where we could just have fun, hang out, play games, da da da..
but it turns out into a "Study Leave" holiday for us. What a disaster. Some of my friends from other schools are already enjoying the hell out of them. As for me, and my schoolmates are currently undergoing intensive revision during the holidays.
NO, wait ! As mentioned above, I would like to rephrase again, "its my schoolmates that are currently undergoing intensive revision during the holidays" not me. I'm slacking all the way till exam. hehe.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya !