Welcome =) Enjoy yourself ! ^^

What Time Is It ? ^^

4th September 2007

Screams of Horror

3rd December 2008

Guilty Island

10th December 2008

It's just so laughable

12th December 2008

5th August 2009

Posted by BenNike Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back here again. Stress level - very inconsistent.
Today was a really bad though. Kept encountering things that I don't want to see and involved in.

Well, I gotten into such a bad mood and down at the same time. It's hard to joke around with me feeling like that. I guess nobody actually noticed it. For that, I've decided to go home early despite my daily regular stay back in college till 4 p.m, was at my limit already.

Duh.... Good thing is the feeling went away already. Currently neutral for now.

hmmm.. No idea what to do now, just feel like talking. yam yam yam

-Benjamin Lim