Holiday Pictures
Screenshots during my holidays.
May Zhen's Church - Christmas Celebration of Hope.
Simple and Clean -
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Enjoy ! ^^
Latest Changelog 07-12-07 [Summer Vacation]
Theme : Summer Vacation.
-All pages are linked through the navigation button in the pic.
- Diary - My post
- Inwritten - Chat Box, Songs and Report Meter
- Other Routes - Friends, Add. Link, and Archive.
- Me - Youtube videos, extras-favourite websites, and Slide Shows.
Home Sweet Home ?
I really wish I stayed somewhere nearer so I wouldn't just count on my friend's transport. Taking public transport isn't easy in my area. At times, I have to wait almost 45minutes just to get a bus to Sunway Pyramid. Besides, standing under the blazing hot sun without any shelter would just sweat the hell out of me and before I reach my destination, I would have already stink like a skunk. HOW convenient ? Heres another option, calling a cab ? The cost for a cab to reach ss15, cost almost RM10 multiply by 2 (2 ways).
and Yes, its reasonable if I go out once in a blue moon. However, if this keeps up , it could just total up to 3 digits just for a transport. Besides, I don't have any job, and my main source of money would come from my parents.
I love my home, yet I really do hope my home is somewhere nearer. Its kinda stressful when someone ask me out. As usual, my primary concern would be .. Transport. At times, people would say why am I so anti social (not going out, stay at home, etc etc) Going out is such a hassle to me. In fact, I even tried to explain whats the reason for my absence but I guess everyone is hard headed ya. All they could say is 'ya ya ya' for a typical Malaysian. Some would even say I study throughout the time. WTH ? -.-
~.~ Holiday might just be a dull, monotonous and boring times for me. *Sigh* I guess this pretty much add up everything I'm trying to say on why I seldom go out.
Tempted to Stray
Tempted to stray I’M in my early 40s and am married with one child. I have been suffering from depression since my early 20s and have been on medication for more than 10 years. Most of the time, I struggle to work and find life boring and meaningless. I try to fill my life with activities I like but things don’t seem to improve. For many years, I have been harbouring thoughts of having a relationship with someone much younger. I seem to be attracted to young and pretty girls and yearn to have a relationship. I would say this is the only thing that can make me feel “happy” for a while. My sexual urge could be very high if not for the antidepressants which help to control it. I still have a sexual relationship with my wife but I don’t seem to enjoy it so much. I do it just to “release” myself. Probably we have been married for too long. Please don’t tell me to try and do it in different places, etc, to make it more exciting. It just won’t work because I just yearn for a new partner. I know the consequences should my wife find out. I really have no choice because this longing for a romantic relationship is getting stronger. I read a lot and I think I know why I feel this way. First, it is due to my upbringing which was lacking in parental love. Second, because I am depressed, I don’t seem to enjoy other things except romantic love and sexual fulfilment. You may say that I shouldn’t be interested in sex if I’m really depressed. And probably, after a year or two with a new partner, this same longing for someone new may arise, I suppose. I’m just drifting along and feel quite trapped for not having the liberty to do what I want. I do have many women in mind but I don’t want to hurt my wife and cause my family to break up. I still want to keep my family, especially my child. I know how important a father’s love is for a child. Please help me solve my predicament.
IF you insist on giving yourself reasons to stray, nothing can stop you. Talking about the lack of parental love and your depressive illness offers an easy way to appease your guilt and sense of wrong.
Perhaps you should consult a medical specialist to talk about your needs and feelings. In your heart, you love your wife and child. But you feel trapped because of your urge to have a relationship with a sweet young thing. However, you do not want to be advised to rejuvenate your marriage. You seem to want to talk yourself into an affair, with all the many excuses festering in your mind.
This is not a healthy predicament for you. You are pushing yourself into an emotional corner with many sharp edges. You need someone capable of healing your state of mind so that you do not feel the need to seek relationships outside your marriage. At your age, you may be experiencing a mid-life crisis. There is a desperate feeling to latch onto youth by indulging in thoughts of sex with young, vibrant women to compensate for your feelings of boredom and inadequacy.
It is important that you seek professional help now. Self-analysis can sometimes be delusional. Understand the true reasons for your needs so that you do not feel so frightened and compulsive in your actions.
Article : Tempted to Stray
I was flabbergasted and aghast when I read the article Tempted to Stray. On his perspective, only a sweet young things can amuse, entertain and interest this bored, miserable, nothing for good guy ? Don't sweet things have hearts and souls that can be hurt? It seems they are measly an object designed to give pleasure to this man.
My advice :
- Don't be a pussy by complaining, moan and be disgruntled with life.
- Be happy with who you as you make yourself to be ; choices are to be made.
- Stop being self-centred, count the blessings you have and be thankful of everything. Remind yourself how countless of homeless people are suffering and barely able to have one meal a day.
- Do some charity work and you will derive real happiness from making others happy. Life is what you make !
- Have the responsibility to handle your own mental state; never depend on others to make you blissful and don't blame anyone or anything, whether its your parents nor others for how you feel.
- As written in newspaper, sexual pleasure can only give temporary fulfillment, a repetition will definitely occur after a few years and this same longing for someone new may arise.
2nd November 2007.
12.30 p.m - School Exam officially ended.
12.45 p.m - Went to Jui Hong's aunt house.
1.00 p.m - Went to Jui Hong's house.
3.30 p.m - Went to driving range, played golf with Nigel, Guoyi , Jui Hong.
5.45 p.m - Swimming
7.00 p.m - Had dinner somewhere at ss15
9.00 p.m - Reached home. ^^
Kota Permai Club
Guo Yi <-- As expected, pro golfer.
Kota Permai Club < Swimming
Me and Judy, Jui Hong's dog.
"BenGay" For backache, muscle and joint pain ! Lolx
5 more days till the end of exam !! inclusive of accounts examination.
Can't wait !!
Steve Jobs
Steven Paul Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is the co-founder and CEO of Apple and was the CEO of Pixar until its acquisition by Disney. He is currently the largest Disney shareholder and a member of Disney's Board of Directors. He is considered a leading figure in both the computer and entertainment industries.
1. You Have To Be Very Clear of Your Purpose In School
Steve dropped out of
What do you hope to achieve? Are your current actions your best efforts? What are you capable of if you knew what you wanted to get out from College? Are you there to create one of the richest experiences in your life or are you just there wasting time? If your goal is to graduate with Honors, what are you or should be doing to get there? Understanding your purpose will give you the control to create your ideal experience in College.
2. You've Got To Find What You Love
“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.” Steve was thrown out from his own company at the age of 30. But he was back in Apple in a relatively short period because he pursued what he loves.
But what do most people usually do? They settle for courses and jobs that they do not truly love because of other people’s thinking. And that strictly caps one potential. Find out what you love and do it. Don’t settle for less.
3. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish
I believe this is the gem of his speech. “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish!” Here’s my understanding of what he meant. As you enter a new phase of life, be adventurous. Make wise use of your time to create the ideal experience you have always wanted. Be a goal setter and every time you reached a goal, go for another one! Stay foolish. When life hits you with a brick, have the guts to stand up and keep going. Take the bull by the horns and design your life your way. Don’t slink off to mediocrity.
Remember one thing about life: There's no goal too big or challenge too large to reach.
Wishes !
Happy 16th Birthday... to ..
(18th October 2007)
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say..
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
(But that's nothing new)
Yeah yeah
I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Woahooo woah
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, a yeah
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
XD sad song.
Wicked Society.
It's a Wicked Society.
I remember last time when we learn lots of stuff in Moral classes. Like, for instance, when you see an old lady taking lots of stuff walking up the stairs, you should help them. In the real world, when I'm confronted with such situation, yes, my instincts tell me to go and help her. Unfortunately, the society has changed. There are people who appeared to be willing to help, but in the end, they snatch your stuff and run. When I thought of this, I hold myself and walk away.
It's a wicked society where accepting help needs to be considered twice.
In the news, I often read cases like somebody appearing to ask for help in changing the tyres of his car, but when you stop down and leave your car, poof, they point a knife at you and hijack your car.
Again, it's a wicked society where giving help needs to be considered twice.
When we were young, we were taught to queue up and wait for your turn. In the real world, if you queue up, you'll wait forever for your turn.
It's a wicked society where the word 'considerate' doesn't even exist, a wicked society where people exploit the only traits of humanity - compassion, sympathy, loyalty and etc. What we end up now is an inhuman society, where nobody can be trusted.
And now, in Malaysia, the streets are no longer safe. Corruption of government. Even police lost their dignity and integrity. Yet we are still paying them, and voting for them. Take a look at or other net papers, you'll be astonished what has been hidden from the mainstream media all along.
Spent the whole day watching movies and surfing web. Not much things to do huh, everyone is cramming for their finals. Why couldn't my school just bring forward the exam date ! This week suppose to be "Hari Raya" Week where we could just have fun, hang out, play games, da da da..
but it turns out into a "Study Leave" holiday for us. What a disaster. Some of my friends from other schools are already enjoying the hell out of them. As for me, and my schoolmates are currently undergoing intensive revision during the holidays.
NO, wait ! As mentioned above, I would like to rephrase again, "its my schoolmates that are currently undergoing intensive revision during the holidays" not me. I'm slacking all the way till exam. hehe.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya !
I spent at least 3 hours to get my 1st leo page done. Searching for pictures, getting the list of awards, projects.. etc.. I did the page with everything grayscale and guess what? Yun Yee just told me that I have to do coloured page ! That means I gotta redo everything all over again !
*Fcuk* I used 3 hours + of my study time to do NOTHING ! *Punch Punch*
Not only that, nobody inform me to do the page in coloured before hand, so I'll just assume its grayscale since every year the Sinar Jaya "Leo" page is in grayscale. Now I have to find everything again because I changed the coloured pictures to grayscale as soon as I save it in my comp. Urgh! , my study time. 1 more thing, the deadline is tomorrow ! Plus, I wasn't even confirm whether or not to design the leo page back then. As far as I know, I don't have to do it and the deadline is way ahead of time. Furthermore, I got the confirmation on Wednesday right after school. Fcuking last minute things.
Current Assignment : Design the 2 coloured Leo page -.-
Theres goes my day~
To thine ownself be true
To thine own self be true…..”
Most of us are familiar with the above quote taking from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but how many of us know this verse: “And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou can not then be false to any man.” Unless we can be true to ourselves first, we cannot be true to others.
To thine own self be true… profound. How many of us have a hard time being true to ourselves? Those of us that gave our life to another at the cost of loosing who we are in the process will have a hard time being true to ourselves. Allowing someone else to define who we are, we lose our ability to discover and grow inwardly. We no longer are able to discern a truth from a lie. For many of us, we have accepted lies for so long, that finding out what is true takes time. Having done this very thing, I know how difficult the journey to self-discovery can be.
Truth….truth is a word that brings out such negative reactions to many of us. You see truth is really an action word. You cannot accept truth without change. Accepting truth about ourselves is difficult, especially to those of us who have been abused. But
truth does set one free if we will allow it to; it is a crucial part of healing. It gives us the freedom to be who we are. We are able to come to terms with our weakness (without condemnation) and appreciate our strength. Truth gives strength; it naturally builds healthy boundaries. Truth is open; it is honest even at the risk of being vulnerable again. Truth is light and brings forth life. When we walk in truth, we walk in light and when we walk in light we live a healthy life.
Truth is also love. The greatest act of love towards another is living a life that is truthful. For those of us who find it difficult to love ourselves, we will find it will come more easily when we walk in truth about who we are. If we walk in truth, we walk in perfect love, and if we walk in perfect love, then we do not walk in fear because perfect love cast out fear. Because we have been honest with ourselves, we are able to love ourselves with all of our imperfections, knowing that we are in “process” and therefore need not have others approval. This is freedom indeed.
The second part of this verse is a natural occurrence if we hold true to the first part of the verse. So, when in doubt as to our motives of not being truthful with someone….look inside, are we being less than truthful to ourselves?
Written around 1601, Hamlet has been performed more often than any drama, and is widely accepted as Shakespeare’s masterpiece. Like a mirror, it reflects the concerns of each generation who perform it making the play relevant in endlessly new an different ways. The play offers eloquent insights into so many aspects of life, experience and the human condition, one is able to identify with the struggle to find truth in one’s own life. This theme of self-identification which perhaps makes Hamlet so popular is memorably noted by the poet Coleridge who said, “It is we who are Hamlet.” Few could doubt the truth of this invocation to be honest with ourselves. As Polonius bids farewell to his son Laertes, he offers this advice: “This above all, - to thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
This article is not written by me. Credits to the ones who did this.
- - - - - - - - - - -
People shouldn't dwell on the past. Its enough to try your best in all that you're doing now.
The other side of suffering
Everyone feels pain.
But surely, after suffering satisfaction will arive.
Even with sports, studying or other ordeals.
With life, its like that for everyone.
If we can beat the pain, on the other side,
a rainbow of happiness awaits us.
That will definitely become a treasure.
Let's believe in that .
Step by step
When my existence seem to disappear,
I will look for the place where I can do the best I can.
From now on, I'll deliberate slowly.
I wont be impatient,
I wont be greedy,
I wont give up,
Because everyone takes things step by step.
Life is short, that should always be treasure.
Exams !
To everyone who is checking out my blog and currently going through exam period,
I pray and hope that you, YES YOU, will study hard and try your best to excel in your examination, for indeed you won't have regrets when you study mightily and end up getting inferior grades. Don't fret. Quoted by Mickey Rooney "You always pass failure on the way to success" Whenever you get poor grades, tell your parents that you have already taken the first step but theres another gazillion more steps to take! *Hehz , kidding ya* As for me if I have really studied hard, and if I do get poor grades, I know that I have not been lazy.
To all my beloved friends, it's not about the output, it's the process of getting the output. Therefore, I hope and I am sure that in your process on achieving the output, you will be sincere, with your own strength of studying. Don't think you can't study, think of Nike, Just Do It ! Besides, just imagine all the girls/boys you get to hook up with after years of hardwork by studying and upon reaching success in the future. >=D
Good Luck. ^^
Survey ? o.o
Tagged by Raine.
Fine fine.. I shall do it properly XD. *Of course of course*
1. Who were you with 2 days ago?
My friends
2. What woke you up this morning?
3. If you took a drug test would you pass it?
Of course
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Of course
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Of course
6. When is the last time you cried?
No idea
7. Ever thrown up in public?
8. What's the worst thing you've done ?
Erm, I have my reasons. ^^
9. What's on your mind right now?
10. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
My parents, grandma
11. Where would you like to live?
Anywhere. I like where I'm living.
12. What kind of home would you like?
Any kind.
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Doctor / Accountant / Business Management.
14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Erm, no idea. Maybe living by myself ?
15. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
Few days back
16. Do you listen to music every day?
Of course
17. What was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate Ice Cream
18. Are you a fast typer?
Of course
19. What are you doing this weekend?
20. Whats your favorite type of soda?
21. Have you ever moved?
Don't get it
22. Have you ever won an award?
Of course
23. What do you want to do right now?
Sleep but I can't
24. Are you listening to music right now?
Of course
25. Do you like someone right now?
26. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
When my grandpa , and my dog passed away.
27. What time is it?
Summer Time !
28. What makes you mad?
Kept procastinating
29. Have you ever had a song written about you?
Nope. Don't think I'm capable of doing one.
30. What songs make you cry?
I'm not sure
31. What songs make you happy?
~If you happy and you know you clap your hands.. *clap clap*
32. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
Peaceful and relaxing songs.
33. Do you have a job?
Last year during the holidays.
34. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
Don't have one.
35. What makes you happy?
Straight A1 in SPM.
36. Whats the next CD you're gonna get?
Sayuri Iwata
Tag 5 people
-Ann Nee
-Kwok Hoe
-Ben Ang
The End =)
What a day
25th September 2007.
My blardy cough and sore throat is back. Now, my voice sounds like a toad -.-
So it seems I don't have to do my english oral again. Woke up in the morning, and did finish my Bio Powerpoint. Thank God. 1 thing for sure, mooncake and sore throat don’t go along. I’m going to skip all the good food tonight. T_T
Prison Break Season 3
-I've just finished watching the 1st episode, can't wait for the next !!

Lincoln visits the consulate and tries to get Michael released. The good news, for him, is that his charges have been dropped in the U.S. Also, Lincoln's report on the crime scene is starting to gain traction and they will going to be able to get Michael transferred from Sona, Like that is going to happen. Michael will have his day in court, but not for 45 days.
Daytime in the yard, Michael watches Bellick stumble out in his underwear. Bellick is pretty thirsty and has a run in with some thugs who humiliate him. Another inmate shuttles Bellick off and tells him to get used to it, he hasn't even eaten for days.
Mahone has a bit of a life review, sitting inside Sona and remembering the events that led him into the hellhole. He fishes for his pills but finds he is fresh out. He stumbles around for a second, spots Michael, and approaches him. He wants to form an alliance. Michael tells him he is on his own due to his horrific past that reminds Micheal that Mahone killed his father.
The concept of Sona being a no man's land is sort of blown out of the water when Lincoln arrives to visit Michael. Since the prison supposedly has no guards and is controlled by the inmates, it is a bit bewildering how Michael is brought out into an empty yard to visit with Linc. Maybe we'll learn more about this later.
Back inside, Michael, Mahone, and a few other inmates are brought to meet the prison centre. He explains to them that problems there are solved in the yard, as was seen in the beginning. He also tells Michael he is aware of his history. Michael says he won't make any waves. Mr. Kingpin tells him he doesn't have the capacity. When Michael leaves, though, it is obvious that the Kingpin is quite concerned by Micheal's intelligence.
The overall feel of Sona was less dangerous than I thought it would be. Partly because of how Michael was fetched out to visit Lincoln, and partly because there seems to be some politics within the yard that have resulted in a sort of order. Michael is not yet thinking escape – in fact, he hestitate at the idea – so it appears for now his issue is going to be confronting this struggle.
Lets solve some Maths!
1 + 1 = ?
. I'm thinking,
.Using the acceleration of v-u /t multiply with Charles' Law by substituting the straight line equation of y-y2 = m ( x - x2 ) and subtracting the H2 So4 substance which react to the lighter dense medium whereby Shih Huang Ti will fight with Chin Peng in Rom.
.After collecting the data, plot a parabola function where y=mx + c, by dividing the total internal reflection while counting the no of chromosome in it,
.Then, divide two column, debit and kredit,
.Wujudkan peruntungan hutang ragu and count the susut nilai of 10% of the answer, while saying the all the nilai moral twice,
.Finally, use the gradient and inverse it by eliminating the x factor of it,
.Count the mole ratio in the emperical formula and multiply with 0 + 2
The answer is ! 2
More maths question to come. Stay tuned !!
At the meantime..
Happy Mooncake Festival ^^
Seafood ?
15th September 2007.
Firstly, I sincerely apologize to Norman + Angel. I'm sorry I couldn't attend the concert.
Seafood. I don't think I need to elaborate on that. Lets jump straight to the pics :Pp
Restaurant Atmosphere
Business must be doing good. =)
No Idea what is this -.-||
Title says all ^^
Looks small in the pic but its really big !
Mantis Prawn. O.O
Mantis Prawn =D
Spider Crab !!
After eating a few dishes, finally here comes..
The Main Course !
Crab Crab ^^
And.. for desert..
ABC !!
Gula Melaka toppings
15th September 2007
15th Sept. 2007
Latest Changelog:
-Layout updated.
-Comments section implemented.
-Added "exit" section.
-Auto play background songs.
-New slide pictures.
-New friends.
-New titles.
-Copyright system enabled.
-View source disabled.
-Improved Site Meter
That's all for now ^__ ^
Vanessa Hudgens
Digital Spy - link
High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens decided to cancel an appearance she was due to make on last night's The Tonight Show so that she could avoid talking about the scandal surrounding leaked nude photos of her.
Pictures of the teenager that were meant only for her boyfriend and co-star Zac Effron were leaked to a third party and printed across websites, making the headlines.
The disgraced star now reportedly wants to forget about the incident and pulled out of the scheduled interview on Thursday afternoon.
Last week Hudgens released a statement, saying: "I am embarrassed over this situation and regret having ever taken these photos. I am thankful for the support of my family and friends."
A spokesperson for the talk show said of the cancellation: "Vanessa is no longer appearing on Thursday's Tonight Show due to a scheduling conflict. She will be rescheduling her appearance at a later date."
From here , I think we can deduce that the reason she took the picture was for her bf, Zac Efron ?
What time is it ? Summer Time !
High School Musical 2 - Last aired in Malaysia on 9 - 9 - 07 (Jessica Tee's Birthday if I'm correct)
Movie Review.
When I first reviewed the original Disney movie High School Musical, I had no idea what I was getting into. Before I watched it, I believed (rather naively I might add) that this was going to be just another TV movie created for kids, some musical entertainment that wouldn’t hold my interest.
Boy, was I wrong. The first film was intelligent and fast-paced, with bright young actors and gorgeous actresses who brought out the best in the music and dance numbers. Repeated viewings didn’t lessen how much I enjoyed the film, and since my sister has watched it at least 30 times since its premiere, I’ve had plenty of time to absorb the overall message of the film and understand its lasting impact.
Of course, along the way, it became a cultural powerhouse that has affected people of all ages. (oo, I love this sentence , gotten it from some forum) Students everywhere are putting on their own versions of the film in school productions, and the concept of “musical theater” is now more popular than it has been.
I realized that High School Musical was a Disney juggernaut (DOTA !) comparable in some ways to the success with adolescent and teenagers like us. Anything somehow related to the movie (posters, lunchboxes, backpacks, pajamas, T-shirts, toys, etc.) was selling out fast while the young stars made the rounds on talk shows and other appearances.
With my skepticism thrown to the wind, this time I was enthusiastically on board for the exciting ride as I watched the movie. I can happily announce that director Kenny Ortega and his singing and dancing minions deliver a slamdunk sequel that in some ways is even better than the original.
In an obviously more lavish (and thus expensive) production, all the stops are pulled out as the East High kids prepare for summer vacation. The old stomping grounds at their Albequerque high school (the film was actually shot in Utah, gotten that information from Wiki) are revisited during the opening number “What Time Is It?” We briefly see Troy (Efron) and Gabriela’s (Vanessa Hudgens) tormentor Mrs. Darbus (Alyson Reed) from the first film, but she is merely part of a fast-paced exposition that sets the East Siders free for what should be a carefree summer. The kids go through the now familiar hallways, cafeteria, and eventually finish on a high note on the outside campus with the school building in the background.
From there onwards, we can understand the theme which is "school is out for summer, let the party begin !"
Unfortunately, reality move about its way into the story. Troy and his teammates play basketball with his father (Bart Johnson), who happens to also be the team’s coach. Dad/coach establishes the idea that summer is also a good time to make some money to either buy a car, get things they want to buy, or perhaps save for college. This is the crucial point in their action, for Troy’s concern about the cost of college leads him and his friends to take jobs at local resort (Sharpay's Holiday Residents) Without their knowledge, this has all been set-up by the snobbish Sharpay (played with a touch of evil by Ashley Tisdale) in order for her to get closer, much closer, to Troy, thus trying to initiate a relationship with him.
As the old gang descends on a New Mexico country club, we discover that Sharpay’s parents own the place, and she has not learned her lesson from the first movie and still foolishly has her eyes focused on Troy Bolton. Troy has wisely found a way for all his buds from East High, along with his favorite gal Gabriela, to get hired with him, making an unfavourable event (I don't know if this word suits properly) for Sharpay.
There are solid dance numbers performed throughout, with some of the additional stars from the first film getting a little more to say, do, and sing this time around. The best one is “I Don’t Dance” set on a baseball field under a crystal clear blue desert sky. Here, Chad (Corbin Bleu) and Ryan (Lucas Grabeel) face-off in a battle of wits and physical skill. The plot was nicely done whereby they manage to slip Ryan into the “in” crowd he never thought he could ever join.
Sharpay somehow manages to suck Troy into singing with her in the talent competition, based on the notion that it will help him land a college scholarship (and she mistakenly believes this will gain Troy’s affection). This temporarily alienates his friends and his lady love. He earnestly proves his worth here, singing stronger and better than in the original and showcasing the maturity that will inevitably make him a really big star.
As in the first film, major conflicts seem to be quickly resolved at the and. I won’t ruin the ending for those who have not seen the film, but let it suffice to say that the overriding theme of the first movie (we’re all in this together) resonates in this sequel, and by the time we see everyone singing and dancing in the finale, we can rest assured that all will be well with the East Side gang until the next sequel.
Credit must be given to all involved in this production, especially director Ortega. Obviously Disney gave him the time, money, and talent to mount such a superior production.
As references to all the princess movies are obvious here, with Sharpay standing in her tower staring down at Gabriella and Troy, her dashing Prince Charming to be sure. No matter how much Sharpay stares into the mirror, Gabriela will still end up being the fairest of them all and manage to capture her Prince in the process.
Thus, I tip my cap to all involved in making this wonderful film. It actually does more than entertain; it motivates kids (maybe their parents) to get u to dance and sing. Besides the aerobic benefits from all this, it’s just good, sweet fun and, in an ever more troubling world, we can all use that. The end.
Grand Slam !
Grand Slam is a United States Game show based on the British Series of the same Name. The program airs on the GSN, and premiered on August 4, 2007.
The contestants face off against each other in a rapid-fire style series of questions. There are four rounds of questioning: General Knowledge, Numbers and Logic, Words and Letters, and "Mixed" (questions from all of the previous categories). Exclusively for the final match, a fifth "Contemporary Knowledge" round was added as round #3, between "Numbers and Logic" and "Words and Letters". In each round, the players are given one minute on their clocks, and the first contestant (determined by coin toss for the first round; alternates for each subsequent round) is asked a question by the off-camera "Questioner", and his clock starts counting down. The timing mechanics are similar to that of a chess clock--if a contestant answers correctly, his clock stops, and his opponent's clock starts running. However, if the active contestant answers incorrectly or passes, their clock continues to run and another question is asked.
When one contestant's clock expires, the round ends. The total quantity of time left on each player's clock at the end of each round is added to the one minute they begin with in the fourth round. The contestant who wins this final round wins the match.
Each contestant is given three "switches" at the beginning of the game, and one more before the fourth round; a contestant can use one by saying "switch" during their turn. This stops their own clock and begins their opponent's turn with the current question. Switches can be used consecutively to switch the question back and forth between contestants.
Grand Slam Final : A definitely must watch show.Video posted above is Final. Hence, if you want to watch the semi final and others. Please visit
What I dislike the most.
- Times does sail. It is a natural phenomena as everyone encounter it all the time. Time is passing too quickly! There is just insufficient time for us to do anything! =.=||
- I detest people who doesn't appreciate things that are given to them. Come on, be thankful on what you have, rather than sulking about it like a 3 year old kid.
- Cockroach -.-
- Studying ! Yes yes, you wouldn't believe me.
- Holiday assignment + oral presentation.
- Exam.
'High School Musical' Star Nude Online
Well, to all Vanessa Hudgen's fans, this is gonna disappoint u guys.
Vanessa Hudgens' representative has confirmed that a nude photo circulating on the Internet is indeed the 18-year-old star of Disney Channel's wildly popular "High School Musical" movies.
"This was a photo which was taken privately," said Jill Fritzo, Hudgens' publicist, on Friday. "It is a personal matter and it is unfortunate that this has become public."
The photo shows the 18-year-old actress standing naked in what appears to be a bathroom, with a red shower curtain behind her.
The Disney Channel (part of the Walt Disney Co.) denied a published report that Hudgens will be dropped from the upcoming feature film "High School Musical 3." That movie is in development and negotiations with the stars are incomplete.
Disney had no further comment about the pictures.
Hudgens portrayed Gabriella, the brainy love interest of Zac Efron's basketball star in the first two "High School Musical" made-for-cable movies. The two are said to be dating in real life.
"High School Musical 2" attracted more than 17 million viewers for its Disney Channel premiere in August, the most-watched television program of the summer.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
1 Litre of Tears
1 Litre of Tears (2005)
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Title in English: 1 Litre of Tears
Erika Sawajiri as Aya Ikeuchi
Nashikido Ryo as Haruto Asou
Fujiki Naohito as Aya's neurologist
Yakushimaru Hiroko as Shouka Ikeuchi, Aya's mother
Jinnai Takanori as Mizu Ikeuchi, Aya's father
What is this series about?
This series is based on the true story of a girl named Aya Kito who was stricken by a cruel disease called Spinocerebellar Ataxia. This disease affects Aya's nervous system and as the name suggests, it poses a degeneration of her movements, and will eventually affect her mobility, speech, and even her ability to eat before she succumbs to a comatose state and finally, death. The theme of this series is very bleak but the overall tone in which the series conveys is, in spite of some tearjerking scenes, are very heartwarming. Aya Kito's diary was made into a bestselling book and the series follows her trials and tribulations as she struggles to find hope, strength and courage to face such a devastating disease.
At the beginning of the series, Aya (Erika Sawajiri) is a normal 15-year old with high hopes of having the time of her life in high school. She is the eldest child in her family. Her mother, Shouka, is a nutritionist who works in a clinic. Her father, Mizu, owns a tofu shop. Aya also has three siblings: Ako, her younger sister who seems to harbour a jealous streak toward her, her brother Hiroki and youngest sister, Rikka. The Ikeuchi's are a typical middle-class Japanese family. At home, Aya is the beloved daughter of her parents. At school, Aya is well-liked by her peers, is extremely bright because she passed her admittance exams to land a position at a reputable high school, and she made it onto the high school basketball team.
On top of all this, Aya's crush is finally paying attention to her and has even asked her on a date! Just when everything is starting to fall into place for her, tragedy strikes. Aya slowly realizes that her limbs cannot be controlled at will. If she wants to move, she can't. If she wants to see, her vision is blurred. And thus begins Aya Ikeuchi's journey towards realizing, accepting and finally understanding that her young life -- so full of promise and hope -- will be destroyed by a cruel illness that will entrap her within a body that will no longer be of any use to her.
Credits : I can't remember the website.
I simply loved this series! Without a doubt, this is one of the most effective and beautifullly acted series I've seen in a long time. Although I didn't cried throughout the series , I do have sympathy towards Aya and her family. I didn't mourn for her dark fate but I mourned for her because she was so well-loved by everyone who met her and because the character of Aya is so relentlessly courageous and hopeful. There were so many chances that the director could have taken with such a tragic story. But luckily, instead of solely focusing on the tragedy, the series instead placed a huge emphasis on the affection and close-knit bonds of family and friends that surround and protect Aya as her health declines. Instead of turning this series into a sappy, weepy typical "terminal illness" show, the series sheds light upon the ill-health of the human condition and how love and hope can ovecome all obstacles, even in the face of certain death, without being overly dramatic or preachy. Reality for Aya isn't pretty but it is made bearable because of the message of hope that lingers long after the series is over.
------------In a nutshell:
I admit to being caught up in an ever growing world of materialism, superficial desires and selfish wants. But watching series such as this one makes me realize that hey, my life isn't so bad. So what if I can't afford that a big house, BMW, or others? So what if I have a fight with my best friend? So what if I don't make it into the college that I want? So what if I can't study to get first in my class, 4 Setia. I can always have a second chance. I can always strive to make my world better because I have my health, which is a treasure beyond price, better word, PRICELESS !
For someone like Aya, she will never get the chance to go to college, fall in love, save up for a BMW or grow old. She will never get married or have children. She will never get to live her life beyond her short 15 years because of what her disease has robbed her. This series brings home the realization that human life is all too short and that if given the chance, we should live our live to its fullest. This was Aya Kito's legacy whens she passed away at the age of 25 in 1984. She left behind a diary which she diligently wrote in even when her writing was too shaky to be comprehensible. I believe Aya had come to terms with the inevitable because of his gentle nature, the love of her family, the experiences she had with her friends, and her belief in herself. Regardless of how much she suffered and how much she lost, Aya was continously grateful to her loved ones. She lived her life with dignity and grace until the very end.
I'm so glad to have found a thought-provoking series like "1 Litre of Tears." It breaks my heart to know that this series is based on a true story. Yet, I feel so grateful to get to know Aya and her family and to appreciate the lessons that she taught me. More than anything, Aya taught me the use of two words - love and hope. That was her legacy. Aya embodied all the best that a human being can hope to be. To continue life in the face of such adversity and to contribute joy to everyone whose lives she has touched is a miracle -- and that makes Aya a miracle.
What are you waiting for? :) Watch this series! You won't be disappointed!
Screenshots ::
Aya as conductor

1 Litre of Tears poster

Aya and her family in 1 Litre of Tears
True story of Aya. May her soul rest in peace.
The end. ^^
--Through The Fire and Flames--
--Through The Fire and Flames--
On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light,
In flames of death's eternal reign, we rock towards the fight.
When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right.
The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight.
Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore,
The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shore.
On the blackest plains in Hell's domain, we watch them as they go,
Through fire and pain, and once again we know...
So now we're flying we're free, we're free before the thunderstorm,
On towards the wilderness, our quest carries on.
Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight,
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls...
So far away we wait for the day,
For the light source so wasted and gone;
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days-
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!
As the red day is dawning, and the lightning cracks the sky,
They'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment in their eyes.
Running back through the midmorning light, there's a burning in my heart;
We're banished from a time in a fallen land, to a life beyond the stars.
In your darkest dreams see to believe, our destiny is time,
And endlessly we'll all be free tonight...!
And on the wings of a dream, so far beyond reality;
All alone in desperation, now the time has gone.
Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind,
Day after day this misery must go on!
So far away we wait for the day,
For the light source so wasted and gone,
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days,
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!
So far away we wait for the day,
For the light source so wasted and gone,
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days,
Through the fire and the flames we carry on!
National Day
31st August 2007 - Merdeka ! Merdeka ! Merdeka !
8.00 a.m - Watch the Merdeka celebration at TV 1 Live
11.00 a.m - Read manga + 1 game of Dota
1.00 p.m - Went to Summit, had sushi and stuff
3.30 p.m - Sleep since I don't have transport to go to Lakeview Futsal
7.00 p.m - Jog 7km
9.00 p.m - Makan and watch Simpsons Movie
11.00 p.m - Forum + Msn
11.xx p.m - Sleep
Merdeka Celebration
29th August 2007
SMKSJ had officially launched the Merdeka Celebration and officially ended "Kitz" Recycling Project.
Everyone was required to wear the given coloured T-shirt inclusive the teachers. Blue, yellow, red, and white. Good thing , I gotten red, other wasn't nice at all =p
Anyway, to make things short, we had sketch, sang the national anthem, and sang a few of the Merdeka songs while waving the flags. Everything ended around 10.xx p.m. We then had lunch, and head back to classes.
As expected =P, the teacher were too busy, so there isn't any lesson at all. Even Pn Najmah, our BM teacher said " Hari ini tak nak belajar la, tak da mood, merdeka skrang ." Many were absents, and thx to donno whose idea. They were throwing plasticine everywhere. -.-
School ended. =)
Picture attachment :
Malaysia Flags at Dataran Setia
Kok Wah, Gin, Me, Jui Hong =)
A bunch of friends ^^
Candid Shot /gg
23rd August 2007
- 10.30 a.m - 12.45 p.m - Badminton with friends at 3K
- 12.45 p.m onwards - Play in the rain and head to Silva.
- 01.xx p.m - Sight seeing at FTZ Asia Cafe
- 3.00 p.m - Walk home from ss 15 with Kok Wah
- 4.00 p.m - Arrived home.
We even took pictures while it was raining cats and dogs.
Kok Wah + Ginaesan + Norman
Kok Wah + Me + Norman ^^
The others went ahead, as they were more bothered about finding a shelter than taking pictures -.-
22nd August 2007
Before I start, Happy Belated Birthday Danesh!
Anyway, here goes. Attended tuition as usual which starts at 2.30 till 4pm. After our lesson, we went to Sunway Pyramid to watch Rush Hour 3. Rush Hour 3 was awesome ^^ , it was full with comedies, laughters, nice pick up lines and many more.
7.30 p.m - Ate curry laksa at some chinese restaurant. Angel and Di decided to watch Ratatouille which starts at 9.30pm. Well, I wasn't interested in cartoons, so me, Gin, and TCE went to Dunkin Donut because we're still hungry. Soon, my mom called to check whether I'm following my dad home. I informed my mom that I'll be following TCE home because we want to hang out a little longer. Finally, we decided to go home since we have nothing else to do.
However, thing started to go not as planned. TCE wasn't aware that I'm following him home although I already asked him a few times. He apologize for his mistake. Therefore, I called my mom to notify her that I'll be following my dad home. Unfortunately, my dad doesn't want to drive all the way to Pyramid to fetch me because he just went there to fetch my sis. (thats what my mom told me).
I guess I don't have a choice. Gotta take taxi and head to TCE's house. On my way to the entrance, again, my mom called and enlighten me saying my dad might be fetching me home. So, I waited for his call. Something went wrong, and all I hear was my dad shouting at me, saying :
Dad : Where are you now ?!
Me : Inside Pyramid
Dad : Why can't you wait at entrance ?!
Me : You reach already ?
Dad : *Then I can't remember what he said, but it really doesn't make any sense.*
Me: *Btw, he hasn't reached pyramid yet he asked why am I not at entrance*
Put down the phone, and started questioning why the hell is my father shouting to me. All I did was wait for my dad call because my mom told me my dad might be fetching me home. So why the rush, I'll just wait for his call to confirm whether hes fetching me or not. Sadly, upon receiving his call, all I get is screaming from my dad for no reason.
So, since hes already said hes fetching me (although hes mad , but hes still fetching me right? -.- ) I told TCE to get a cab without me. While waiting, I kept questioning why on earth is he shouting at me, isit because of his work or something else. I sms-ed my mom.
This is what she replied:
He already messed up and got fedup of fetching here & there. Next time plan properly or else papa will be angry.
Wth ?I already plan to take taxi with TCE and go to his house but my mom called me saying my father might be able to fetch me. So I waited for his call la. -.- end up she said I kept changing my mind. If my dad is that reluctant to fetch me, please say so. From my point of view, shes trying to state that its my fault for being indecisive. If my mom didn't called at 1st, I'll be in taxi and reached TCE house already. -.-
Ok.. Waited around 25minutes, I sat at the entrance because I worried my dad would say something else again , saying I'm not at the entrance or something else. *phone vibration*
Picked up:
*Louder Tone*
Me : I'm already at entrance. (controlling my anger)
Dad : COME OUT FURTHER LA, then started to mumble this and that.
Give me a break, I waited at the entrance. Now hes blaming me for not waiting outside of the entrance. He didn't even tell me to wait at the parking lot (outer entrance). To be safe, obviously I'll be waiting at the door entrance. Great, entered the car, shout shout shout. He asked why I'm like that.
Phew, (I'm thankful I'm still controlling my anger). I replied in a calm tone. Then he started to change the topic saying I'm being indecisive again, should have just stick to following TCE home. Gosh, I was so pissed that time, MY MOM IS THE ONE THAT CALLED ME SAYING MY DAD MIGHT BE FETCHING ME, IF SHE DIDN'T CALLED, I'LL BE AT TCE HOUSE ALREADY. DUH!
Blah! ,got fedup and kept quiet the whole time. Went back home and headed straight to my room. I wasn't comfortable on how they shouted at me, so I decided to let it all out at my blog. zzzz
However , I'm still thankful I can control my anger. Else, I might just get a tight slap from my dad. (although you're right or wrong, as long you answered them, its wrong) Cool huh -.-
Wasted my whole day.