The Beginning of the End
A belief that I have long cultivated in me, such a dogma will I not be easily influenced by any intrinsic or extrinsic factors. The Beginning of the End, where times flies.
As we progress through many phases, there are various-different environments and atmospheres, we are exposed to. Nuff said.
Being that, the coming to the end of 2nd semester is days away. Finishing Trials, and soon, Finals. Tomorrow, which is next week, would be considered as the final week for our time together. The good moments we had, the joy and fun experiences we shared together, the sorrow moments of burden we took together, and the new understanding of given knowledge basing on our actions learnt simultaneously.
The duration of 1 year simply flew by, too fast for me, or anyone to grasp the real meaning of time. Coming from that, I just want to say, I have learnt a lot. The things and steps I have to do, to avoid conflicts, the words I have to watched out for, to avoid prejudices, the image that I portrayed, to avoid misunderstanding, and lastly, the actions I have to execute, to sort out intricate problems. The year 2009, which I shall consider, to be one of the years where various things happened to me, and have really shed light on real meaning of life.
Ignorance and denial is a bliss but reality can be painful as well. As I dwell deeper in this statement, I begun to understand more and more of it. Being a bona fide realist, like myself, has enabled me to bring myself to the society properly and move on. Life can be sucky at times, but life wouldn't be interesting isn't it ? - if there isn't any obstacle hindering us from progressing. Sometimes, words would bring no meaning, if the existence of antonyms and opposites are absent from the very nature of the definition. Word would be nothing but a word, if the contradicting word doesn't appear basing on the word itself. Confusing ? Let's hope not.
In simpler terms, it means that, we wouldn't understand the meaning of full and satisfied, if we hadn't feel hungry. We wouldn't understand the meaning of happy if we weren't sad. We wouldn't understand the importance of companions and friendships, without once feeling lonely and forlorn. Likewise, we wouldn't understand the real hardship of life, if we only live our life avoiding knotty and convoluted problems and at the same time, pouring in little efforts in accomplishing what we aimed for.
So there you have it. To sum it all, I am thankful and glad for the things that happened to me. The failures and successes I obtained, the new experiences I gained, the new friends I have made, and lastly, the real understanding of life itself. Our future isn't something that we just risk it on the line by hoping for good luck to achieve success.
By hoping and by wishing for good opportunities coming to our way is just plainly too idealistic. Success lies in our hand, and definitely basing on our genuine efforts. The endeavours we're going to do in the future, is what defines us, and is the very manifestation and reflection of an individual. So to say, let's work hard and enjoy life. Getting depressed nor getting emotional on little things is the last thing we should actually consider.
Thank you.
"Ignorance and denial is a bliss but reality can be painful as well" - (BenLim, 2009).
"Word would be nothing but a word, if the contradicting word doesn't appear basing on the word itself" - (BenLim, 2009).
- BenL ^^
13th Oct 2009
2. Hectic week - many exams - yet stress level ? Minimal for now. Studying in college helps me to get my mind off the reality.
3. Hoping for schoolmates to make Langkawi trip a successful one.
4. Still deciding whether to enter NS.
5. Still deciding what to do during the holidays. I want to do something productive. hmm
- BeN
1st October 2009
Gahh ~! , it's subsiding but still haven't go away T_T
Stupid nightmare.. I don't even know why must I be involved in that dream. ish. =.=
Sien la. Anyway, looking forward for Shi Man's MoonCake Celebration on Sat. ^^
27th September 2009
1. It seems to me I've been thinking a lot lately. Carefully thinking of the consequences, the result, and the future outcome.
2. I'm really worried and lost.
3. I'm doing my presentation slide now, after days of procrastination. I'm doing it now for the sake of necessity rather than a luxury. At least I tried.
4. Tomorrow is badminton and I don't feel like going.
5. College classes commence starting tomorrow and I feel no slight notion of enthusiasticm in me despite the need for me to communicate with my friends after a long week of dreadful holiday.
6. I love college, yet I hate it at times. It comes and go. I don't know why.
7. I want to get over with the Moral Studies Project and my Maths topic test.
8. It is time, to search for other alternative. Rest assured I will not be disillusioned by the abundant peer pressure lingering around me.
- Benjamin
A Jog In Seri Kembangan
Bringing further to the ground, fresh and identical pine trees lingered straight in the pathway, giving a seemingly impression of a parallel world of mirrors as I jog passed it. A downpour, earlier in the morning, leaving every leaves a vivid details of lush-greenish and countrified leaves, with water particles gracefully streaming down the minuscule yet distinct veins of every leaves.
Weather wise, it's cold and chilly. With every few steps jogged, the blustery wind brushes through my face, caressing it and provide such a temptation to continue further on to enjoy the luxury of this feeling.
I stared straight, looking deep into the never-ending damp trail, never knowing that comes ahead. With no hesitation, I moved forward and further deep through the vast empty path, where there is no living souls around but me and my beloved I-Pod.
Myriads of brilliant sun-rays shone the pathways, such glittery glows I had never seem to notice the entire time, not forgetting the radiant luminosity it emanated. I squinted my eyes and swiveled my head looking back at the steps I've taken.
"These are my choices, and here I am".
Each second passed, and every distance I covered, troubled thoughts continued to swirl and spiral around my palpable consciousness, with no uncertainty to remain its very nature. It skyrocketed and ricocheted with such intense reverberation and only leaving me with a seemingly petite and trivial gap to breath out and clear my attention.
I reflected upon myself, and thought.. "Maybe This is My Destiny".
to be continued..
- Benjamin
A Love To Be Remembered
Sometimes I wonder if you know,
Exactly how I feel,
Our love is not romantic,
But still is very real.
You come to me when you feel bad,
And everything goes wrong,
Always expecting happiness,
And to hear a cheery song.
I’ll always be here when you're hurt,
I know you know I’ll stay,
But I’m not sure you’d miss me,
If I ever went away.
Friends in deed are a very rare find,
Not too many stick it out,
Through the good times and bad,
Giving no cause to doubt.
I hang on your every word.
Your simple presence in a room,
gives my life a purpose.
Add your voice and a smile,
and I melt away.
Friends is all we'll ever be,
but Why I do feel it's more ?
I wish I could tell you how I really feel inside.
That I'd be willing to take that chance,
To be more than just your friend.
I know you sense this, as I do,
but it's easier to pretend.
Saying it would make it real,
and you'd run away and hide from me.
So I'll try and keep the flood gates closed,
and be content that you let me be,
Just your friend.
Should I smile,
because we're friends,
or should I cry,
because that's all we'll ever be.
- Benjamin Lim Beng Han
- 3th September 2009
So many things to do, So little time.
There are just too many things to do and so little time.
I went for Sunway Badminton Club General Meeting for the election of committees. Having the thought of getting a higher ranking post in the commitee, I pulled back after some time of thinking. I wouldn't want to get myself stressed up due to numerous commitments I have.
- Being committed to studies - high results
- Being committed to badminton
- Being committed to piano
- Being committed to novels
- Being committed to Computer Science
- Being committed for Secretary for my Moral Studies Project
So it seems kinda few, but trust me, its rather time consuming and no doubt taking part of my life away, in a good sense of course =)
Moving on, Maths exam will commence next Thursday. Going to study after I'm done with this post. Well, there's basically every topic test every week. XD Not forgetting pop quizzes.
Submission of my english research project is also due next Tuesday and I'm partially done with two of my arguments and introduction. Still lack the references needed. Let's hope I wouldn't procrastinate in this period of time. XD
Stress level is of course rising, and trying my best to cope with it. My luxury will always remain in gym. Tends to drift myself away when I'm in gym, especially when I'm on threadmill. I want to post something appreciative on my future post, after reflecting a few things when I'm idling around.
Went out to Pyramid to watch proposal with my MUFY mates on Thursday. Hung out with Esther on Wednesday and Saturday, My muscle is kinda sore after hours of badminton for two days straight. Aiming to become a pro ^^
Next target : Backhand Smash
Oh well, I suppose thats all for myself. Rest assuring myself to study constantly and remain the top seed. ^^
- BenNike (23rd August 2009)
14th August 2009
Oh well, that's the past, I've learned and not doing it again.
College life is somehow mundane and monotonous, with the weather being a bitch most of the time, fiery sunny day, just can't take it. I'm kinda disappointed today after hearing what my parents have to say. If only my grandma would appreciate their sheer and sincere effort in making her life easier. Sigh..
Anyway, good news is, I got a perfect score of 100% for my 1st Accounting Topic Test.
Real proud though ^^ Grace was so doubtful why I managed to get that even though I behaved mischievously in class. Went out for pyramid today and met up with a few friends. =)
Ok gotta make use of my priceless weekend. Will focus on my Eng research assignment and finish my novel and master Yiruma-Maybe.
GO Ben ! ^^
11th August 2009
Despite the constant pressure I am giving myself, the expectation I believed I should achieve. Let's look into my college life.
Searing and blazing hot sun rays penetrating the fine ozone layer, which used to be thick yet as thin as a paper due to CFC, prevalence of haze, and last but not least, unexpected & unpredictable rainy days.
Been giving me major or minor headache at times. It sucks so much. Weather is just so hot, I always give thought twice whether to strip myself naked. haha. If only theres a shower room in college. Often needed a bath during the afternoon. XD
Homeworks and assignments..
CSC Presentation - DONE
CSC Presentation Hard Copy Report - DONE
Char Analysis Group Oral Presentation -Thursday
Accounts homework - today
Maths homework - today
Current Results :
Maths = 82 %
CSC = 94 %
Acc = ?
Making more friends as usual. hehe.
5th August 2009
Today was a really bad though. Kept encountering things that I don't want to see and involved in.
Well, I gotten into such a bad mood and down at the same time. It's hard to joke around with me feeling like that. I guess nobody actually noticed it. For that, I've decided to go home early despite my daily regular stay back in college till 4 p.m, was at my limit already.
Duh.... Good thing is the feeling went away already. Currently neutral for now.
hmmm.. No idea what to do now, just feel like talking. yam yam yam
-Benjamin Lim
4th August 2009
Other than that, life is good for now I believe. However, I suppose things will go worse from now on. It's yes or no now. Moving on, I'm having my account exam tomorrow, 70% prepared and I'm only left 2 hours to study before I slump into my snug & comfortable bed.
Nowadays, I've been thinking. Just what do I desire now ?
Besides slacking and enjoying myself, what is the purpose of my life .. ?
Am I really working towards my goal, studying sufficiently for my major subject, Computer Science or just procrastinating around. I thank God as Tatt Fai did brought me back to consciousness for my starting signs of procrastinating symptoms.
I'm well aware of that, and now I shall pledge myself to really push myself. What am I lacking now is the driving force, I require. Coming back from college, I'll be entirely tired, physically and mentally and just wants to take a long nap. Upon waking, I basically wasted my entire time because my sleeping time has yet to change.
Just what am I doing again ? When will I do something productive ?
I promise I will change.
My current resolution, which I will start doing now.
- Study for my computer science
- Read my novels, finish it
- Once reaching home, I will head to the gym and workout
- Really control my diet, I've gaining weight lately, *not muscles* zz
- Be committed in my badminton
- Be commited to piano
-Benjamin Lim
Feels like, I'm standing in a timeless dream..
Of light mists, of pale amber rose..
Feels like, I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent..
Touching, discovering you..
Those days, of warm rains come rushing back to me..
Miles of windless, summer night air..
Secret moments, shared in the heat of the afternoon..
Out of the stillness, soft spoken words..
The way I feel for you, I can't describe..
It's almost too intense to verbalize..
Essentially you're all I'm living for..
But basically each day..
I need you more and more..
Tranny -.-
Please tell me this isn't true.
( >_______________< )
- BL
Tag Heuer
Mathematics Trial wasn't that bad. =)
Head off to Asia Cafe [Lunch] --> Sunway Pyramid [Arcade] --> Meet up with parents --> Asia Cafe [Pool]
Well, my parents got me a watch. Tag Heuer Formula 1 - WAH111 A - Professional ^___^
Now I have the real and fake one. [Bad Camera Quality]
07 - 05 - [ 2010-1 = 2009 ]
Visual Basic Practical Test is not as difficult as expected.
*Laugh hysterically*
Finished it as fast as I can and then head off to meet my friends. Reaching the library, I stumbled with my Aus Mat friends.

No. Spongebob Squarepants ! swtt
Back to study =p
- BenN
- Tune into : Sandstorm - Darude (One of the best Techno's)
6th May 2009
A very merry Happy 18th Birthday ! to my beloved friend, Chin Kok Wah, whose now studying in Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC).
So when is the next outing ? =D
Sunway College
Skipped Computer Science class as well to go Pyramid with Eugene, Cavan and others. Let's hope this doesn't affect my performance for tomorrow's Visual Basic Practical Test. =)
That's all. Adios.
P.S : Stop fighting k, no matter who is right, both will lose something. =(
*heave a dissapointed sigh*
SMILEEE ^_____^

Slumdog Millionaire
Hello ! =) , it’s really been a while. Just feel like writing something.
agagaga, life is a bliss for me, no stress, no worries (at times), assignments done on time, going out, and etc. Just that I had been struck by some stupid-wont-go-away flu and bad stomach cramps. Other than that, all well that ends well. =P
As most of you all know, my blog are used mainly for the purpose of generating a better command of english which I find it rather important for the future to come. So a movie review it is, since I feel like writing today.
Extracted topic from my Sime Darby Questionaire Scholarship Application :

This film has been a topic of conversation and discussion among peoples everywhere especially citizens in India. This movie tells about an 18 year old boy who made his entrance into a popular quiz show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” and astoundingly began to win up to the top prize, which is a million dollars. So to say, people have never encountered such situation for a boy to reach the final round while doctors, professors, and other highly educational individuals could not even experience what it is like to be in the last around. This situation has been bombarded by many inexhaustible inquisitive audience of the quiz show regarding how this boy can actually be a millionaire.

These are the queries that are questioned by many people and have been revolving throughout the film. Under this dreadful condition, the boy, named Jamal Malik has been taken into custody by policemen for interrogation for justification on how he managed to grab a full score when he participated in the quiz show. Surprised and admired, were my feeling towards his answers for his reasons. Jamal soon explained his story that starts off in flashback on the very 1st question concerning his old past. Each question leads on into another anecdote and intriguing tale towards the ends. Thus, this movie has attracts many viewers inclusive of me due to the different kind of approaches and perspective that the movie displayed in the film. This, are one of the factors which captivates me in getting engrossed with this attention-grabbing motion picture.

Now, we must not forget about the flamboyant displays of atmosphere gyrating in India, sound and sights included. Aside from the romantic core aspects in the film, the film used most of its screening time emphasizing in Mumbai’s sombre situation of poverty.

Cordial actors and actresses, serious and heartfelt elements synchronize into it, well-angle shots of interesting scenes, and remarkable plot played by the main character, how someone can contradict the very existence of “Slumdog Millionaire” from winning the Oscar Awards ? Again, with its comprehensive features and characteristics of “Slumdog Millionaire”, finding faults in this movie is rather infinitesimal and diminutive.

Then, with lovable young actors and actresses put into the movie, it is enough to standardize the movie into a bravura entertainment. Majority or minority, I find the characters portrayed in the movie considerably close to what virtuoso performers are. Additionally, the actors are well trained by the directors, and significantly play the heart and soul of the film. Despite the grimy, stained mud and dirt on their faces, they have never failed to radiate their wide smiles and bright eyes. Regardless of what situation they are in, they treasure what they have entirely and do not emanate even a slight figure of chagrin and disappointment.

The End. ^^ Told you I feel like writing.
- BenNz
- Tune into : Crazy Frog - PopCorn =D
14 - 01 - 09
I left my thumbdrive ! T_T
Any kind soul please return it back to the lecturerrrrr =)...
- Dumbfounded.
Now keep your love lockdown, you lose !
Nah. Haha. Mid-Semester break has officially started. 1 week !! ^___^
So, to my friends that hardly online nowadays, and those that went outstation like Sebastian, how are you guys and girls ?!! ^^
Chill and relax ya !!
Moving on, it would be a definite no if I were to refute how much I miss my schoolmates. College is fun, substracting the "little" assignment, and examinations which I just finished few days ago. However, MUFY - Monash University Foundation Year course isn't that lively in terms of events though. Albeit, being one of the most expensive course in Sunway College, it is comparably close to nil if I were to contrast between CIMP course and MUFY course for events commencement.
The only events that were held in MUFY are - Speed Dating in conjunction with Valentine's Day, and Freshie Nite, as I mentioned from my preceding post.
Speed Dating, an event done solely for charity and entertainment, inviting singles of boys and girls, with any kinds of race and age, to participate in this intriguing occasion. Participants are allowed 2-3 minutes of conversation with the opposite sex assigned by the hoster. From there, both parties will consider whether or not, they would provide them their contact numbers or vice versa.
Though I find this superfluous, and merely redundant for it to be held, if it is sheerly to highlight the main events of celebrating the Valentine's Day occasion, I would just simply keep an eye closed. =)
Next, I have recently finished my English Oral Presentation entitled - Sex Parties. =) A rather sensitive or staggering topic, and it may seem far-fetched to all, but I did it ^^ with pictures included as well !! , and scoring a total of 9.2/10 (2nd highest in class) *proud*
Been going out everyday till today. Heading off to Sunway Lagoon, tata =)
-Ben, (Gab love to call me Uncle Ben, cause I'm very forgetful) -.-
Tune in to : Kanye West - Love Lockdown ! (The chorus is stuck in my head =.=)
SPM Results on 12th March 2009.
Freshie Night 2009
"Open the dance floor !" - Words recurred and echoed continously ..
As you all know, almost every college have their orientation night, and the only difference would be the time and duration. Duh.
So, freshie night 2009 !
After hearing tons of "advice" and my senior's past experience in Sunway, Taylors, Inti and so forth, all of them would be a negative review. Signifying how redundant this event may seems, and how mundane it would be as things get even more and more dull each second. However, this time I would side the opposite ones.
Stating what is "Malaysia's Timing" would be a surplus for all of you. So, the event started 1 hr later. Moreover, throughout the first 1 hr 30 minutes, it was heavily peppered with superfluous elements such as dull and platitudinous actions and dance performance, slowly pushing everything to a humdrum side to most of the crowd. Fortunately, not all was an eyesore, some performances are very well, worth-watching for instance, popping and some contemporary dances.
So after the lucky draws, games representing each courses, we finally reached the last part of the agenda. With that, the dance floors were opened ! Albeit the sound systems were not as great in comparison with clubbing area, it do bring up the liveness and entertainment. Various musics were played at intervals and professional dance performers started dancing together with the crowds. Cheers and screams were heard most of the times, obviously indicating how fun they were enjoying themselves. Of course, I am part of it.
Everything ends around 11.30 and everyone, looking stale and exhausted, yet fun and amused heading home as everyone is still having their college lesson the next day. Most of us got separated and lots of my coursemate friends weren't present for the event. So, we hardly took pictures but heres a few I manage to get.
SS :
Chee Zhen from Kajang, Seok Chin from KL + Me
CZ, forgotten her name !, Tracy from Sarawak
Tracy friends and Tracy

Here we have a hunky guy from Brazil, Lucas
David from A-Levels + Chee Zhen
Atmosphere (Forgotten to take when everyone went hyper at one point)
David + Nadia
CZ + Again I forgot -.- too many names
Hwsu Ling + Tieng Dieng from Pahang + Nicole
Ben + TD
Jason, CZ, Pui Yan from Iran, Winson from Kajang, Gab
As above
Tracy, Aminath from Maldives, and Clement
Pole Dancing